DXY Vs Imports, 10 Years

Y = Imports. X = DXY.

See why charts are Deceptive. The picture is always wrong. A picture must be quantified by statistics. Here’s where Pen, Paper and Calculator becomes the trading tool. The paper part for me is stacked to the roof but paper costs are cheap. Why I am never wrong. I figure and factor to ensure trade success and profits. But we would never sit all day, everyday in front of a computer.

A guy wrote a great book called Charts Lie. The best indicator over the long haul is Schrodinger Wave Equation. But much easier and quicker ways exist to trade and profit. Waves pretty much are sine / cosine waves and the reverse is Simple Regression.

10 Year Correlations = +63%, +20%, +67%, +67%, +61%, +64%, +65%, +51%, +55%, +23%.

Brian Twomey

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